Register for remote bidding

Auction: Thursday 16th May 2024

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Your application may not be processed until your card details have been submitted, these will be held securely with SagePay and no money will be taken unless you are a successful purchaser.

If you do not have a debit card or you are a non-UK resident, you can transfer funds to our client account but these must arrive in cleared funds 24 hours prior to the auction. Please speak to a member of the team once you have submitted your registration form and they will update your application.

Your personal details

Please note: this form should be completed by the person who will be bidding on the auction day.

Please enter your first and last names as they appear on your passport/driving licence.
For internet bidding please provide the same email address you have used to create your auction passport account (to download legal packs). If you have not yet created an account please do so ASAP by following the link to the legal pack within the lot information. You will not be able to bid without creating an auction passport account.
Home address
Date of birth
Country code
Phone number
Country code
Phone number

I take full responsibility for the details provided and for all bids made under this application. If any party/parties fail to pay their full 10% deposit (subject to a minimum of £5,000) and administration fee, fail to complete or dispute their interest in the property/properties purchased, I take full responsibility for completing the purchase and paying any monies owed.
